"Go into all the world... "
We take seriously Christ's command to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19).
Besides providing our youth the opportunity to serve on a mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley each summer, we prayerfully and financially support eight missionary families who serve in a variety of ministries across the world.
Besides providing our youth the opportunity to serve on a mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley each summer, we prayerfully and financially support eight missionary families who serve in a variety of ministries across the world.

John & Barbara Sage
Serving online with Camino Global
John & Barbara Sage
9218 Chisholm Trail
Tyler, TX 75703-0406
Read the latest newsletter from the Sages.
9218 Chisholm Trail
Tyler, TX 75703-0406
Read the latest newsletter from the Sages.

Dave & Cindy Cox
Serving at Word of Life in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dave and Cindy
CoxCaixa Postal 4312940
AtibaiaSao Paulo, BrazilSouth Americadccoxjr@gmail.com
Read the latest newsletter from the Coxes.
CoxCaixa Postal 4312940
AtibaiaSao Paulo, BrazilSouth Americadccoxjr@gmail.com
Read the latest newsletter from the Coxes.

Chris & Peggy Toriz
Serving with e3 Ministries
Chris & Peggy Toriz
170 Tanglewood Drive
Gun Barrel City, TX 75156
Chris leads mission trips into Mexico and other parts of the world
170 Tanglewood Drive
Gun Barrel City, TX 75156
Chris leads mission trips into Mexico and other parts of the world

Barry & Laurie Smith
Serving as Church Planters in Hamilton, New Zealand
Barry & Laurie Smith
20 Brookview CourtQueenwood,
Hamilton 3210
New Zealand
Read the latest newsletter from the Smiths.
20 Brookview CourtQueenwood,
Hamilton 3210
New Zealand
Read the latest newsletter from the Smiths.

Tony & Brenda Vasquez
Training Believers Throughout the World to Reach Muslims
Tony & Brenda
VasquezLancaster, Pa.
Read the latest newsletter from the Vasquezes.
VasquezLancaster, Pa.
Read the latest newsletter from the Vasquezes.

Matt & Pam Caddell
Serving in Dallas with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Matt & Pam Caddell
570 Private Rd. 5001
Detroit, TX 75436
Email: matt_caddell@wycliffe.org
Read the latest newsletter from the Caddells.
570 Private Rd. 5001
Detroit, TX 75436
Email: matt_caddell@wycliffe.org
Read the latest newsletter from the Caddells.

Bob Kerr
Serving as a Church Planter in South Texas and as a Professor at the Rio Grande Valley Bible College
Bob Kerr
1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd., #826
Alamo, TX 78516
Read the latest newsletter from Bob Kerr.
1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd., #826
Alamo, TX 78516
Read the latest newsletter from Bob Kerr.

Daniel & Carol Dortch
Serving with Word of Life to New Zealand
Daniel &Carol Dortch
28 Dinsdale Rd.
Hamilton 3204
New Zealand
Read the latest newsletter from the Dortches.
28 Dinsdale Rd.
Hamilton 3204
New Zealand
Read the latest newsletter from the Dortches.