How to Know God
Looking at the world today, it doesn’t take long to realize that all is not well. Daily reports of wars, natural disasters, and violence within our own neighborhood convinces us that life is not what it should be. On a personal level, we wonder how our family can treat us so hurtfully, and why we make such harmful choices ourselves.
God’s Word, the Bible, has an answer to these questions – sin. No one has escaped from the problem of sin (Romans 3:23), and we have seen its ultimate consequence: death. Unfortunately, the news gets worse. Not only do our sins result in physical death, the Bible tells us that they result in spiritual death, too, which is separation from God (Romans 6:23). God, our creator, is perfect and good, and therefore separated from us because of our sin. As much as we may desire to get rid of this sin, there is nothing that we can do about it. Our best efforts are useless because, in comparison to a holy God, even our good works are unacceptably tainted with sin (Isaiah (64:6). Think about your life for just a moment; it's useless to pretend that there is no problem. How can we ever hope to be good enough to come before an altogether sinless, holy God?

But there is good news!
In fact, we consider it the best news a person can hear. Although we are unable to remedy the problem of our sin, the Bible informs us that God can – and did! He loves His creation too much to remain separated from us, so He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our place (John 3:16). Remember that the penalty for sin is death? Jesus paid it for us, so that those who believe in Him would no longer face eternal separation from Him. Three days after Jesus died, He rose from the grave and now sits on the throne with His Father in heaven. Because of His death on our behalf, we can also look forward to eternal life in His presence (I John 4:10).
There is an important piece of information to note right here: knowing about your sin and Jesus Christ (God’s remedy for it) is not enough. Jesus’ death in our place is God’s gift to us, but we have to choose whether or not we will receive it by trusting in Christ alone (not ourselves, our good works, our family, or our friends) as the way by which our sins are forgiven and we can enjoy eternal fellowship with God. ("But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." John 1:12)
So, what are you going to do with this news? There are only two options here: trust Jesus to be your Savior from a life of sin and separation into a new life of never-ending friendship with the loving God; or, reject His gift of salvation and continue to experience eternal separation from Him. Remember - God loves you and really wants a relationship with you.

What will you decide?
If you have any questions about trusting in Christ, or would like to request some materials to help you understand more about God’s gift of salvation and His Word, please contact us by phone, email or feel free to fill out the form below. Thank you.