CCBC Men's Ministry

Our Men’s Ministry is dedicated to providing opportunities for men to grow in God's Word and develop a deeper relationship with His Son. Come get involved and experience fellowship with like-minded believers in a fun environment. Our men have several regular opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship throughout the year, plus our monthly prayer meeting every first Saturday of the month.  There's also our Annual Men’s Retreat and an opportunity each year for community outreach with our Skating Nights happening on Fridays starting March 28-May 2 as well as our Spring Carnival May 9.  

There are teaching opportunities as well during the year with our AWANA program and VBS.

2025 Men's Retreat!

January 31, starting at 6:30 p.m.   February 1, starting at 8:00 a.m. 

The cost will be $15.00.  It will be in our Fellowship Hall.  Our speaker will be Jay Holmes, son of Walter and Carolyn Holmes.  
Jay just retired from being the head swim and diving coach at Texas A&M. 
Walter & Carolyn were long time members of our church and Walter served on the elder board for many years.  

Lou Underwood will be returning as Chef! Lou is a long time member who moved away but still comes every year to the retreat. He will be preparing Cajun food for lunch on Saturday.  Bob will make pizza on Friday night. 

A sign up sheet is in the foyer.  What's on the menu???  Breakfast = Meat.  Lunch = Meat.  Supper = Meat.  Come and join in on the fun.